What are Cryptographic and Encryption Algorithms and Examples of Programs

Ahmed Fahim (Elliot)
5 min readMar 11, 2023


لقراءة المقالة باللغة العربية

What is Cryptographic encryption?

From cyberelliot.com

Encryption is the practice of securing information by converting it into an unreadable format. The goal of encryption is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and reliability of data, which means that only authorized parties can access, modify, and verify the information.

There are several encryption techniques that can be used to protect information, including symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, hashing, digital signatures, and key exchange algorithms. Each technology has its own strengths and weaknesses, and different technologies are used depending on the specific security requirements of a particular situation.

Symmetric encryption involves using the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. On the other hand, asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys, one for encryption and the other for decryption. hashing is a one-way transformation that returns a fixed-size value called a hash, which represents the data you entered. Digital signatures are used to verify the authenticity and integrity of digital documents, while key exchange algorithms are used to securely exchange keys between parties.

Encryption is used in a variety of applications, including securing communication between two parties over the Internet, protecting sensitive information stored in databases or on physical devices, and ensuring the authenticity of digital documents.

What is Cryptanalysis?

Cryptanalysis, also known as code-breaking, is the practice of analyzing and decrypting encrypted information without access to the secret key used to encrypt the data. The goal of cryptanalysis is to reveal the original message or data from its encoded form.

Cryptanalysis techniques can be divided into two categories: passive attacks and active attacks. Passive attacks involve analyzing encrypted data to find patterns or vulnerabilities that can be exploited to decrypt the message. This includes techniques such as frequency analysis, which involves analyzing the frequency of characters or other elements in encrypted data, and statistical analysis, which involves analyzing the distribution of data to find patterns or anomalies.

On the other hand, Active attacks involve interacting with the encryption system to obtain information about the secret key or to weaken the encryption algorithm. This includes techniques such as brute-force attacks, which involve trying every possible key to decrypt the data, and side-channel attacks, which involve exploiting weaknesses in the physical implementation of the encryption system, such as measuring energy consumption or electromagnetic emissions.

Cryptanalysis is used for various purposes, including testing the strength of cryptographic systems, recovering lost or forgotten keys, and breaking into encrypted data to steal sensitive information. Cryptanalysis is an important area of cybersecurity and is used by both attackers and defenders to gain an edge in the ongoing battle of information security.

What is Cryptology?

Cryptology is the field of study that covers both cryptography and cryptanalysis. Cryptography involves the development and use of techniques to secure information and data, while cryptanalysis involves the study of these technologies to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in their design or implementation.

Cryptology is a broad field that includes a wide range of technologies and applications, from basic encryption and decryption methods to more advanced topics such as digital signatures, key exchange protocols, and secure multi-party computation.

The goal of cryptography is to provide secure communication and data protection in various contexts, including military, government, financial, healthcare, and other industries. Cryptography is also used to protect personal privacy and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

The development of cryptographic technologies was driven by the need for secure communication and the desire to crack encryption codes used by adversaries. This constant battle between those who seek to secure information and those who seek to compromise it has led to many developments in the field of cryptography, as well as the ongoing research to develop stronger and more flexible cryptographic techniques.

Encryption Algorithms

Cryptographic algorithms are mathematical algorithms used to convert plain text into encrypted or ciphertext form. There are several types of encryption algorithms used for different purposes, and here are some of the most common types:

Symmetric-key encryption: This type of encryption algorithm uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. Examples of symmetric key encryption algorithms include the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES), and Triple DES.

Asymmetric-key encryption: This type of encryption algorithm uses a pair of keys — a public key and a private key — for encryption and decryption. The public key can be shared with anyone, while the private key must be kept secret. Examples of asymmetric key encryption algorithms include RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).

Hashing algorithms: These algorithms are used to generate a unique value of fixed length from a message you entered. Hash algorithms are often used for data integrity and password storage. Examples of hashing algorithms include SHA-256 and MD5.

Stream ciphers: These algorithms encrypt data one bit or byte at a time, and are commonly used for wireless communications, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Examples of stream ciphers include RC4 and Salsa20.

Block ciphers: These algorithms encrypt data in blocks of fixed size, and are commonly used in electronic payment systems and other applications that require high levels of security. Examples of block ciphers include AES and Blowfish.

Examples of encryption tools

Encryption software is a powerful tool that can help protect your data from prying eyes. A wide variety of encryption software is available, here are some examples of popular encryption tools:

AxCrypt: An open source file encryption software that can encrypt files or folders using AES-256.

BitLocker: An encryption software that allows you to encrypt your data locally, including the hard disk or part of it on your computer.

CyberGhost: Virtual Private Network (VPN) software that hides your device’s Internet Protocol (IP) address and keeps your data private when accessing the web.

Dell Encryption: Software-based, data-centric encryption that protects all types of data across different operating systems.

DiskCryptor: Free open source encryption software that can protect files on a variety of devices, including system partition and ISO image encryption….

DESlock: Encryption provides a web-based admin panel for multi-user management at the network level.

ExpressVPN: VPN software that uses a 256-bit security mechanism, compatible with many operating systems and devices.

LastPass: An encryption service that allows you to store passwords and other personal information, is easy to use, and is compatible with multiple operating systems and devices.

Tor Browser: Web browsing software that allows you to browse without unwanted monitoring or interruptions, protecting you from cyberattacks.

VeraCrypt: An open-source encryption software that can hide twice-encrypted data, using a single encryption key thanks to AES support.

7-Zip: file encryption software that allows users to encrypt selected files on the hard drive, easy to install and use.


Cryptography is the practice of securing information by converting it into an unreadable format. Cryptanalysis is the practice of decrypting encrypted information without access to the secret key used to encrypt the data. Cryptology is the field of study that covers both cryptography and cryptanalysis. There are several types of encryption algorithms used for different purposes, including symmetric-key encryption, asymmetric-key encryption, hashing algorithms, stream ciphers, and block ciphers. Popular encryption tools include AxCrypt, BitLocker, CyberGhost, and DiskCryptor.

